Diagnosed with Being Human

The true nature of who we are as humans is the most misunderstood and poorly communicated aspect of the Christian worldview. It has also caused the most harm. Words like “sin” and “sinner” are easy to misunderstand. This is an easy topic to oversimplify and use to...

Jesus Wasn’t a Nice Guy

Talking about Jesus can be like talking about toothpaste. There are so many flavors and variations – with whitening, without fluoride, with deity, without miracles. Though there can only be one historical Jesus, there are many thoughts and opinions about who Jesus...

Why I Don’t Hate The Bible Anymore

In high school a friend told me, “You can’t trust the Bible! It was translated from Hebrew to Greek, from Greek to Latin, then from Latin to English.” I already had a low view of the Bible, so my friend’s statement just gave me further justification. Though I had...

Faith and a Room Full of Sandwiches

The Christian worldview is like a sandwich. A sandwich is made up of multiple ingredients. Bread alone is just bread. Mustard, tomato, and cheese by themselves are just mustard, tomato, and cheese. There isn’t a delicious sandwich until all the ingredients are...

Are You Ready For The Next Step?

I find it amazing that we can take a million steps backing away from God, but it can only take one step forward to find God. I want you to know that even though you may feel very far away from God, God is right there. I took many steps away from God. I chose to take a...